Saverio Carillo, Come I Magi nella notte di Gerusalemme. L’Aula San Pio X a Lourdes. Novecento e metamorfosi del monumento sacro, (con una presentazione di G. Carbonara e una Nota di conclusione di F. Autieri), Collana: La Città come con-testo, n. 1, La S

The image that the experience of the underground French church poses, would offer the analogy with the condition of the Magi narrated in the Gospel of Matthew where those Scientists, so skilled in the interpretation of the stars, make the mistake of going to Jerusalem instead of Bethlehem, also falling, exponents of scientific culture, into a "dark night", a dramatic and yet mystical moment, according to John of the Cross, for a spiritual rebirth of humanity. From Montmartre to Lourdes the religious culture of France, but, in other ways, also that of the whole of Europe, tries to find a trace of subsistence in a more intimate hiding place, like a seed, which, buried, awaits the ripe time for own Epiphany.